Salaheddine Amri

Slaheddine Amri is a Tunisian researcher, PhD in Arabic Language, Literature and Civilization from the University of Manouba. He is a lecturer at the Higher Institute of Islamic Civilization at the University of Ez-zitouna in Tunisia. He has published a number of books and several articles in Arabic and French in local and international peer-reviewed journals in Islamic studies and comparative religions and civilizational studies, including: The Book of Memory Making in the Twelver Shiite Heritage: Visiting the Shrines as a Model, published by the Mominoun Foundation in 2016; The Book of Martyrdom in the Biblical Religious Imaginary: A Comparative Study, Maskaliani Publishing and Distribution, 2021; The Book of Shiism in Tunisia: A Study of Origin and Transformations, Mominoun Foundation in 2023; and The Book of the Popular Religious Imagination: A Study of Mechanisms and Contents, Mominoun Foundation in 2024.