Ethic of the journal

Commitments of the Journal's Committees and Reviewers

The members of the journal’s committees and reviewers commit to:

  • Evaluating an article based on the originality of its approach and subject, the clarity of its methodology and conceptual framework, as well as the relevance of the study, the quality of documentary research, and its alignment with the journal’s editorial focus. The quality of the language and adherence to syntactic norms will also be considered.

  • Conducting an impartial and objective review, regardless of the subject of the article or review being evaluated. In the case of a book review, ensuring that the evaluation is conducted fairly and objectively.

  • Guaranteeing the confidentiality of scientific data presented in submitted articles while they are under review and refraining from using these data in their own research without the author's explicit written consent.

  • Providing justified rejections with a pedagogical approach.

  • Informing the journal’s editorial team if they are unable to complete the manuscript evaluation within the allotted time to ensure an optimal review process.

  • Quickly correcting and rectifying articles in case of errors or inaccuracies discovered after publication.

  • Removing an article from the journal’s website (and mentioning it in the next issue of the print version) if a conflict of interest is identified after publication or if undetected plagiarism is later discovered.

Commitments of Contributors

Contributors commit to:

  • Submitting an original article that has never been published elsewhere (in whole or in part).

  • Transparently indicating influences and sources used in the article.

  • Adhering to the journal’s scientific and editorial standards.

  • Respecting the editorial board’s decision, which will provide a comprehensive report justifying any rejection or required revisions.

  • Taking into account the corrections requested by the reviewers.

  • Submitting the revised article within the deadlines set by the journal’s committee.